Fishing Trip Pics
Fishing Trip Pics
9/15/16: Full Day Big Game: Sharks and Cudas…Awesome day with a family from Scotland!
8/21/16: Full Day Family Fishing: Red Grouper, monster Lane Snapper, Yellow Tail , some Porgy and Key West Grunt… what a day…
8/19/16: 1/2 Day Family Fishing: Father Daughter trip was a blast! We got our limit of Red Grouper and put some nice big Lane Snapper in the box as well.. How does it get any better?
8/13/15: Full Day Family Fishing: What beautiful weather we have here in sunny South West Florida. Oh, and the fishin’ isn’t half bad either!… Great Father/Daughter trip..
8/12/16: It’s been a fishy start to August!. Dodging the storms..
7/27/16: Big Game trips have been a big hit!.
7/6/16: 3/4 Day Big Game Trip: Beautiful day we had out there with an awesome group from Massachusetts! Started the day off with some fun Barracuda action, then on to some smaller sharks, and finally ended the day with a game of tug a’ war with some giant Goliath Groupers!
6/21/16: 3/4 day Family fishing. What a blast! A few Snook, some Mangrove Snapper, and a few Gag Grouper kept the action as hot as our air temperature! As always, was great having you guys down from the Lone Star State..
3/24/16: 1/2 Day Family Fishing:Great trip out today with some folks from Ohio. We wrangled up some snapper, Spanish mackerel, and a few sheeps. Nice to see some bigger Mangrove Snapper in so close. A few of them were just shy of the 18″ mark. With the Spanish moving around I’m sure we will start seeing some King Fish action soon enough
3/17/16: 1/2 Day Fun Fishing: Glen from Minnesota with a nice Lane Snapper. What a foggy day. It felt like something from a Stephen King movie.
3/2/16: 1/2 Day Food Fishing: I’d say we had a pretty good day Monday. Dan and the boys from Orlando did a great job!. Nothing like Spring snapper fishing.
Fishing Trip Pics
8/13/15: 1/2 Day Family Trip: Had a blast with a great family from IL, we caught some Yellowtail and Mangrove Snapper, some Key West Grunt, a few small sharks and Red Grouper. Most were catch and release but this fella is going straight to dinner table!…
7/8/15: 3/4 Family Fishing: Another great day on the water!.
6/8/15: Full Day Family Fishing: One of the biggest Lane Snapper I’ve ever seen! Over 17″!
5/22/15: Full Day Fishing:
4/14/15: 1/2 Day Family Trip: Grandparents and Grand-kids day… The kids had a blast catching some Mangrove Snapper and Small Red Grouper! .I believe they were keeping track of all the different species of fish they were catching. Some of the 10 different species were Yelowtail Snapper, Mangrove Snapper, Red Grouper, Gag Grouper, Keywest Grunt, and Blue Runner…
4/12/15: 1/2 Day Nearshore Fishing: Another fantastic spring fishing day here in sunny south west Florida! Try and say that five times fast…..After catching some Mangrove, Lane, and Yellowtail Snapper we got a glimpse of a huge Hammerhead Shark, and then we boated some Kingfish to wrap up the day!
4/8/15: Full Day Family Trip: What a day!. Water was so clear we could see fish swimming around on the wreck 35′ below us!. Pictured is a pair of Gray Triggerfish.. Absolutely a beautiful day on the water..
4/4/15: 3/4 Day Family Trip: This Michigan family had a blast catching dinner!. After catching Mangrove Snapper, Porgys, Gray Triggerfish, and sheepsheads we got an awesome sight of an 8 ft hammerhead right behind the boat!
4/1/15: Full Day Family Trip: Today we had the other half of the group from West Virginia out. Snapper, Sheepsheads, and Porgy oh my!
3/31/15: Full Day Family Trip: What a day we had with this family from West Virginia. We had some nice Mangrove Snapper, Gag Grouper, Gray Triggerfish, and ended our trip with a nice Cobia!…
3/30/15: Full Day Family Trip: Family from Michigan enjoying some of Florida’s great fishing and warm weather..
3/24/15: Half Day Family Trip: Once the morning fog cleared this family from Indiana had a blast catching some nice Lane Snapper and a Few King Mackerel..
3/22/15: Half Day Family Trip: We managed to round up some Bahhh’d Boys (Sheepshead Pictured) this morning with a local family here from Englewood, Fl!
3/21/15: Half Day Fishing Trip: Great group of guys from Ohio enjoyed catching some Mangrove Snapper, Lane Snapper, Triggerfish (Pictured), Porgy, Sheepshead, Spanish Mackerel, and a nice Hogfish (Pictured)…
3-13/15: Full Day Family Trip: What a fun day we had with this family from Missouri! The start of the day was a bit slow but things got fired up by mid day with Spanish Mackerel, Sheepshead,and and a nick Kingfish.. They also had fun catching a few Gag Grouper, Triggerfish, and some Puffer Fish.. Man Overboard Charters, helping make family memories to last a lifetime….
1/2/15: Full Day Family Fishing Trip. First trip of the new year, and what an exciting day it was.. The morning kicked off with some very dense fog as we made our way offshore in search for some Red Grouper and Snapper. The first few spots were loaded with Gray Triggerfish. They sure can put up a great fight on some light tackle. As the day progressed we hit our limit of Lane Snapper with four of them reaching about 2 lbs. We added some Mangrove Snapper and even a few tasty Red Grouper!.. What a way to start the New Year!!
Fishing Trip Pics
12/29/14: 1/2 Day Near shore Fishing Trip. Boy did we have some great weather for some near shore fishing! Nice Black Seabass
12/22/14: 3/4 Day Family fishing Trip. Not very often that you will see Hogfish and Spotted Seatrout in the same trip. We started the day fishing just offshore, but ended up fishing Lemon Bay before the day was done.
11/29/14: Half Day Family Trip: After a cold and windy week here in south west Florida we finally found our break in the weather we had been waiting for. We begun our day planing to target Trout and Redfish inside due to a forecast of a 10-15 knot north east winds and 3′ seas. We decided to take a look out the pass to check conditions ourselves, when to our surprise we realized the forecast was a bit off… Their was little to no wind, and what wind there was, was due east. Seas were calm, and with one look at our groups eager faces we knew that we were going to change gears and head offshore
7/28/14: Full Day Family Trip: New Mexico Family was down for some sun and fun! After some jumping Cuda action we focused our attention on some bottom fishing for some Key West Grunt, Mangrove Snapper, Gag and Red Grouper, and a few Sharks!..
7/19/14: Half Day Family Trip: Another HOT summer day on the beautiful Gulf of Mexico. This California family caught a few Triggerfish, Red Grouper, and Key West Grunt. Our day ended with a surprise visit from a nurse…. Nurse Shark that is…
7/18/14: Half Day Family Trip: We started off our day with an aerial performance from a few Cudas!… As mid morning turned to noon the heat literally turned up. With the air temp in the mid to low 90’s and the water temp around 88 deg we chugged on catching some nice Mangrove Snapper in time for dinner..
7/9/14: 1/2 Day Evening Family Trip: Storms had subsided for the afternoon, and the bite was on good. This Family from Arkansas caught Mangrove Snapper, a few decent Gag Grouper, and even a Hog Snapper.
7/9/14: 1/2 Day Morning Family Trip: We had to dodge a few storms, and saw an incredible lightning show. After seeing a nice Waterspout in the distance we landed this nice Porgy!. Our Am. trip mainly consisted of mangrove snapper and small Red and Gag Grouper…
6/16/14: 1/2 Day Family Trip: What a Day! We started of the day by catching some bait and a few Mangrove snapper. After a few small gags came up we managed to peak the interest of a few sharks and a nice Cobia!…. I have to say we had some of the most beautiful conditions I’ve seen all year.
5/21/14: 3/4 Day Family Fishing Trip: Great Family from Minnesota came down to enjoy a fun day on the water…. We convinced some Lane Snapper up to 15″ and a very nice Black Seabass to take a one way ride back to the dock with us this afternoon. What beautiful conditions we had today!
5/13/14: Full Day Company Fishing Trip: We sure enjoyed the guys from PME Electric. They took a break from construction work to sit back, relax, and catch a variety of fish from Yellow Tale Snapper, to Gag Grouper. As the afternoon approached, a storm rolled in and Phil landed a beautiful Spotted Seatrout. As you can see from the last pic, the beanbags claimed another wary fisherman!!!!
5/12/14: 1/2 Day father and son fishing trip: While the Snapper bite was anything but slow, we managed to be surprised by a nice Snook!
4/28/14: 3/4 Day Fishing Trip with a family from Michigan…. They caught, Grunt, Spanish Mackerel, Triggerfish, Snapper, and last but not least a nice King Mackerel for the grill!…
4/27/14: Local family doin’ some diggin’ for Red Grouper.. Great day , and some wonderful weather.
4/24/14: Whole Day Trip with Jeff and his wife from North Chicago.. He had a blast taming some Cuda’ and Amberjack!
4/14/14: 1/2 Day Family from SC with some Nice Red Grouper and what “was” an AMAZING Kingfish! Apparently we aren’t the only ones that like the taste of King Mackerel…
4/13/14: 1/2 Day Family Trip. The Harper’s from SC had a blast catching Black Seabass, Snapper, and to end our day, a nice Kingfish! On our way in we caught the beginning of the offshore Englewood Beach Charlotte Harbor Super Boat Grand Prix!
3/22/14: Bite was hot on today’s Full Day Fishing Trip. The folks from Big Sky Country (Montana) caught over 10 different species of fish!
- Captain Rick an a Gag Grouper
3/15/14: 1/2 Day Near shore Trip: Bob from Punta Gorda and his friends from Ohio tore into some nice sheephead. Bob landed this monster bahhhhad boy at just over 20″.
Fishing Trip Pics
7/11/13: 1/2 Day Family Fishing Charter:
6/2/13: Full Day Fishing: Some folks from Oklahoma doin’ some fishing,…. Florida style….
1/25/13: 1/2 Day Near shore Fishing: Never to cold to go fishin…